Many of our countrymen in the IT industry are still struggling with employment. In spite of they are looking for new work opportunities, their need for a job is outweighed by their worries about the pandemic.

Here in TGT, we are doing our part in helping to bring more jobs to Filipinos with safety in mind.

Therefore, understanding this concern and fully acknowledging it, we take extra precautions to assist in flattening the unemployment rate as well as the infection rate.

So how can applicants know that we have their safety in mind?

Here are some FAQs for applicants to ask about COVID-19 — for in-person work. 

1. Do you offer a COVID vaccination? 

  • To ensure the safety of all the staff, we secured vaccinations to be administered for free and to all those who get hired.

2. How can we make the hiring process as safe as possible?

  • We reduce face-to-face interactions by making our recruitment process 100% virtual from Interviews, contract signing, and onboarding. 

3. What safety protocols do you have in place against COVID-19? 

  • We give you the means to stay healthy:
    • We provide you with TGT Care Kit (includes Vitamin C, mask, alcohol, and face shield) 
    • Staffs have access to sanitizing agents such as alcohol, alcogel, and disinfectant spray that they can use anytime.
    • We regularly disinfect the premises: Our sanitation crew runs scheduled cleaning and thorough sanitation processes of all the facilities.  
    • We limit the number of staff such as keeping everyone at least one cubicle apart and reduced the number of people who could be at the office as we’re abided by the guidelines mentioned by the DOH.
    • Access to a Medical Team on Day 1: Our trained medical team ensures that the safety protocols are meant as well as performs routine check-ups on staff throughout the day.

4. Do you have any policies when it comes to face masks and face shields? 

  •  Our building strictly implements a “No Face Mask and Shield, No Entry Policy.”  
    • Similarly, we implement policy in the common areas of our office.  We have stringent COVID guidelines and policy which includes safety precautions and actions to be made.
    • To ensure strict compliance, a staff caught consistently not abiding with this policy will be a sanction by the HR team.

5. If one of your employees gets COVID-19, what steps will you take to keep the rest of your employees safe? 

  • Our Medical Team is all competent and trained in handling COVID situations. They will ensure that they work on the protocols approved by both DOH and DOLE. The welfare of all our employees will always be their first consideration. 
  • Our COVID Policy also provides step-by-step actions to be taken in this case. 

6. Who can I ask in the future if I have a question about COVID-19 safety protocols? 

  • The TGT Support Team is always keeping themselves informed about the latest news about the pandemic. If you have any questions or suggestions about our safety protocols, we are always open to talk about them.  

7. What can you tell me about job security? 

  • Prior to when the government announced the first lockdown, we vowed that not one will be retrenched because of the pandemic.  

Up to this day, TGT remained true to our commitment, and even created new employment opportunities for Filipinos. 

The coronavirus pandemic has many people facing difficult decisions about work. By getting the answers to these interview questions, you’ll be able to make a more informed choice about your safety as a job seeker. 

Interest on Furthering your Career

We offer a range of professional positions that not only provides you with more experience, but to further your careers in a amazing industry!